Feed planning mar2013

From livestock-fish ilriwikis

Feed Component Planning Meeting

Addis Ababa 11 March 2013


Michael Peters (CIAT), Jane Wamatu, Barbara Rischkowsky (ICARDA), Alan Duncan, Ben Lukuyu (ILRI), Malcolm Beveridge (WF), Alexandra Jorge (ILRI)

Virtual: Michael Philips (WF); Michael Blummel (ILRI); Tom Randolph (ILRI)

Component 2013 Plan


08:45 - 09:00: Test, verify, modify where required line of virtual communications 09:00 – 09:30: Short overview of objectives of meeting (ILRI, MB, PB). Update on L&F by Tom (Virtual) 09:30 – 10:30: Centre reports progress 2012 each 15 minutes - CIAT, ICARDA, ILRI, WF 10:30 – 11:00: Tea/coffee break 11:00 – 11:30 Synthesis and discussion of progress, failures and challenges 2012 11:30 – 12:30 Work plan and activities 2013 Milestone 1 Centre ideas/plans each 15 minutes - CIAT, ICARDA, ILRI, WF 12:30 - 1300 Discussion Milestone 1 13:00 - 1400 Lunch 14:00 - 15:00 Work plan and activities 2013 Milestone 2 Centre ideas/plans each 15 minutes - CIAT, ICARDA, ILRI, WF 15:00 – 15:30 Discussion Milestone 2 15:30 – 16:00 Tea/coffee 16:00 – 17:00 Work plan and activities 2013 Milestone 3 Centre ideas/plans each 15 minutes - CIAT, ICARDA, ILRI, WF 17:00- 17: 30 Discussion Milestone 3


Milestone 1: Cross centre working group that can deliver feed technology to LaF value chains and provide an efficient feed technology platform to meet feed technology demands from partners outside LaF


  • establish a feed technology platform that provides feed analytical/phenotyping facilities in Africa (WA and EA) and Asia (SA, SEA)
  • offer streamlined approaches to prioritizing feed interventions
  • suggests, facilitates and supports implementation of specific feed interventions
  • identify/analyze policy related constraints to better feed use


  • Create centralized data bank for NIRS equations
  • Package FEAST and TechFit tools for access of a wide rnge of potential users
  • Establish a repository of successful feed interventions for dairy, small ruminants, pigs and fish with constraint assessments (for example policies)


  • Provide online platform for NIRS equation access (ILRI)
  • Package FEAST and TECHFIT tools (CIAT, ICARDA, ILRI, WF)
  • Repository dairy (ILRI, CIAT)
  • Repository pig (ILRI,CIAT)
  • Constraint analysis (ALL)

Milestone 2: Feed resources in value chains are used better with regards to meat, milk and fish production, labour, transport, feed processing requirement as well as NRM use efficiency and CFP


  • Address key constraints in feed resourcing and feeding in VC in systematic, structured ways
  • Optimize usage of on-farm and purchased feed resources
  • Support development of small scale business enterprises around feed value chains


  • Develop feeding and feed resourcing work as integral part of developing value chains
  • Improve feed conversion into meat, milk and fish in existing value chains in Uganda, Tanzania, Ethiopia and Bangladesh
  • Create a tool that supports farmers and small scale business enterprises in decision making about feed transaction and processing


  • Develop feed resource and feeding part of dairy VC in India (ILRI)
  • Improve feed conversion into meat, milk and fish in existing value chains in Uganda (ILRI, CIAT), Tanzania (ILRI, CIAT), Ethiopia (ICARDA, ILRI), Bangladesh (WF, ILRI?)
  • Decision making tool about feed transaction and processing (All)
  • Publish invited synthesis paper on review of climate change effects on feeding and feed resources (All)

Milestone 3: Food-feed-fodder and forage cultivars with higher biomass quantity and fodder quality selected, developed and promoted and new feed ingredients identified and tested


  • Identify and match superior food-feed and forage cultivars from research records to the agro-ecology and socio economic production conditions in VC
  • Develop new food-feed and forage cultivars and conduct feed value chain analysis and identify actions for testing improved feed quality
  • Identify new feed ingredients


  • Identify, match, develop and disseminate superior forage cultivars
  • Identify, match, develop and disseminate superior food-feed fodder cultivars
  • Identify and promote new feed ingredients


  • Select and develop superior food-feed type cultivars of rice, maize, wheat, sorghum, pearl millet, cowpea, groundnut (ILRI)
  • Select and develop superior green forage types from sorghum, maize pearl and millet (ILRI)
  • Identify, test and promote new feed ingredients from agro-business/bio-fuel value chains (ILRI, WF)