India Site Selection

From livestock-fish ilriwikis

India Site Selection

PB notes to include somewhere if needed

Ethnicity Fit to Gov priorities Stability [terrorist] Physical accessibility Other partners there? –better the ‘virgin’ areas? Dairy market accessibility - infrastructure Across districts? Go with local structures Some flexibility across the states? Need some ‘underlying’ criteria ‘districts of interest’

Do not limit actions to within a district Address whole value chain, wherever

Site Selection report File:14 10 21-siteselection report india.pdf

Groundtruthing report File:Field visit report.pdf ranking sheet File:Bihar scoring sheet.xls

Site selection workshop in Bihar August 2014


File:Report_Workshop on Small-holder dairy transformation in Bihar.pdf

State "Reselection" - reconfirmation

There has been a long debate about in which state we should have our activities. A thorough analysis has been done, to reconfirm Bihar as out VC state. Here are the documents connected to this decision.

File:Stateselection_final.pdf File:India state selection version 3 CP.xlsx

National level spatial layers report (14 parameters)


We agreed on 3 levels: state, district and ‘site’ (possibly block). We agreed that we will identify districts by end of 2012. We won’t try and select specific sites (blocks) in these districts in 2012 as these will be selected when we have new projects going on. Having selected districts is sufficient to identify partners and write proposals.

Sites are defined as an area where we will pilot test interventions at farm level. The rest of the value chain could be located outside the boundaries of the site. State level - we agreed on the following criteria to select the states Dairy development Donor interest Political interest Poverty Existing partners

  • The following states are tentatively selected: AP, Bihar and Assam, with the possibility of Orissa.

We will do a GIS charaterization using global datasets to 'validate' the selection of these states. The criteria listed above that are mappable are: dairy development - proxied by high cattle and buffalo population densities poverty - proxied by density of poor people or % poor

  • The other criteria are not 'mappable'
  • The choice of these states will be validated/confirmed at a national stakeholders' workshop
  • The GIS mapping is done by Jeannette, coordinated by Isabelle and Nils

District level

  • Unlike in the other countries, in India we have detailed district level data. Using such data, we rank districts and select our CRP 3.7 districts. The criteria to select the districts are more specific that the ones used to select states. Possible candidate criteria are:

Milk density or milk surplus/ deficit [ focus on deficit areas] Poverty incidence [focus on poor areas] Whether there is a strong and reliable development partner Milk market orientation (e.g. % milk sold over production) [focus on areas where market orientation is low]  ??

As per the CRP 3.7 proposal, we will work in 3 systems: rural to rural; rural to urban; urban to urban. We need to select at least 2 sites by district (or by state?) to avoid confounded effect between site and system.

The choice of districts will be discussed at a stakeholders’ workshop before finalizing the district selection.

Report for targeting by Janette File:Targeting_IndiaJvS.doc

Situational analysis for Bihar and Assam

File:Situational Analysis Report from Intercooperation after comments from ILRI March 2014.docx

Report for the state level by Vamsi File:Site slection in India09Apr2014.docx