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#CRP3.7 Program Planning & Management CommitteeCRP3.7 Program Planning & Management Committee

#x3rd meeting, Nairobi, 22 March 20124th meeting, Nairobi, 19-20 September 2012

Approved Minutes

Director's update

File:LF CRP PPMC update Sept2012 draft.docx

#x3rd meeting, Nairobi, 22 March 2012-Draft Agenda#CRP3.7 Program Planning & Management Committee-Draft Agenda for Upcoming PPMC Meeting, 22 March 2012, ILRI NairobiAgenda

PPMC: Barbara Rischkowsky, ICARDA Iain Wright, ILRI Malcolm Beveridge, WorldFish Michael Peters, CIAT Martin van Weerdenberg, ILRI Steve Staal, ILRI Tom Randolph, ILRI Steve Kemp, ILRI Jens Peter Dalsgaard, WorldFish (observing) Katie Hamilton, ILRI (taking minutes) Evelyn Katingi, ILRI (taking minutes)

Component Leaders: Phil Toye, ILRI Mwai Okeyo, ILRI Michael Blummel, ILRI Acho Okike, ILRI An Notenbaert, ILRI Kathy Colverson, ILRI

Room 720, ILRI PPMC Wednesday September 19th 8:30 Welcome 8:35 Adoption of minutes from March meeting (for decision) 8:40 Update (for information) 9:00 Budget outlook 9:15 Strategies for improving implementation (for discussion)

  • Review of governance and management arrangements, including role and functioning of Leadership team
  • Strategy development and team building
  • Joint work plan and budget development and PPA ToRs

10:30 Coffee/tea

10:45 Planning and PPA timeline 11:30 IDOs and performance management 12:00 Planning for SPAC involvement 12:30 AOB

13:00 Lunch

PPMC + Component Leaders 14:00 Component updates & next steps: intro 14:15 Animal health 14:45 Genetics

15:15 Coffee/tea

15:30 Feeds File:CRP 3-7 Sep 2012 Feeds Component.ppt 16:00 Value chain development (with summary by value chain)

File:Comms Update_sep2012.pptx 17:00 End 17:30 Cocktail

Thursday September 20th 8:30 Recap from previous day 8:45 Targeting 9:15 Gender & Learning 9:45 Are we making sufficient progress?

10:30 Coffee/tea

File:Improving implementation.docx 10:45 Component planning File:Planning.docx

  • Finalizing the 2012 work plan & budget
  • Preparing the 2013 work plan & budget
  • Timelines for team planning activities

11:30 Mobilizing a leadership team and the role of Component Leaders 12:15 Annual report preparation 12:30 AOB

13:00 Lunch

PPMC 14:00 Research planning wrap-up: action points 14:15 CG Fund allocation principles moving forward 15:00 Resource mobilization

15:30 Coffee/tea

15:45 Upcoming communication events

  • G20 MACS
  • GCARD2

16:30 AOB 17:00 Close

#x3rd meeting, Nairobi, 22 March 2012-Logistics/Travel arrangementsLogistics/Travel arrangements

Arrival Sep-19 Sep-20 Departure
Date Time Flight Pick-up OK? Hotel Hotel pick-up Transport to hotel Hotel pick-up Transport to hotel Date Time Flight Pick-up time
Barbara Rischkowsky ICARDA 19/9/2012 1:20 ET803 Note: 18-19/09 20/9/2012 7:40 KQ402
Malcolm Beveridge WorldFish 18/9/2012 19:05 EK721 Jacaranda 8:00 tbc 8:00 tbc 20/9/2012 21:45
Jens Peter Dalsgaard WorldFish 18/9/2012 21:05 KQ415 Jacaranda 8:00 tbc 8:00 tbc 20/9/2012 21:45
Michael Peters CIAT 18/9/2012 1:20 LF598/9698 ILRI Hostel n/a n/a n/a n/a 21/9/2012 6:20 LF 9693/599