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13th Program and Planning Management Committee Meeting

Nairobi, 20 August 2015


Minutes: File:Minutes of the PPMC Virtual meeting on 20th Aug.docx

MINUTES of the L&F Program Planning and Management Committee 20th August, 2015 Virtual Meeting || www.livestockfish.cgiar.org 20th August, 2015

CGIAR is a global partnership that unites organizations engaged in research for a food secure future. The CGIAR Research Program on Livestock and Fish aims to increase the productivity of small-scale livestock and fish systems in sustainable ways, making meat, milk and fish more available and affordable across the developing world. The Program brings together four CGIAR centres: the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) with a mandate on livestock; WorldFish with a mandate on aquaculture; the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT), which works on forages; and the International Center for Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA), which works on small ruminants. [[1]] © 2015 This publication is licensed for use under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported Licence. To view this licence, visit [[2]]. Unless otherwise noted, you are free to copy, duplicate, or reproduce and distribute, display, or transmit any part of this publication or portions thereof without permission, and to make translations, adaptations, or other derivative works under the following conditions:

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Participants: By Webex: Michael Peters, CIAT, Colombia Barbara Rischkowsky, ICARDA, Ethiopia Michael Phillips, WorldFish, Penang Jens Peter Tang Dalsgaard, WorldFish, Penang Ulf Magnusson, SLU, Sweden In Nairobi: Tom Randolph, L&F Director, Nairobi Stuart Worsley, L&F Development Partnerships, Nairobi Esther Ndungu, Program Administrative Assistant, Nairobi Observers by Webex: Henk van der Mheen, WUR, The Netherlands Paul Schuetz, GIZ, Germany Pyburn Rhiannon, KIT, The Netherlands Welcome Tom welcomed everyone to the L&F virtual PPMC meeting, the purpose of which was to provide an update of L&F activities and informed members that Rhiannon Pyburn of KIT would be joining the meeting in her capacity as Gender Initiative Leader to ensure coverage of gender issues.


'1. '2014 Annual Report Tom stated that the 2014 Annual Report was submitted to the Consortium Office in July without PPMC review. A more polished version will be submitted once reviewed by the PPMC and the ILRI Board of Trustees. Shirley and Jens Peter have already forwarded their feedback and members were urged to forward their feedback before it is finalized. Action: Members to submit their feedback on the 2014 Annual Report. '2. 'Revised 2015 POWB Tom informed members that we have received updated POWBs from WorldFish and CIAT in response to a request to revise the budget and outputs to reflect the W1/2 budget cuts. The amended PPA agreements have been thus been prepared. ICARDA’s revised POWB 2015 is still outstanding, so the associated PPA amendment is yet to be prepared. ILRI is being asked to submit its revised 2015 POWBs shortly, with a due date of 31st August. Tom informed PPMC that no instructions were received from CO on whether they need the revised POWB submitted to them or not. PPMC will need to review the revised POWB to ensure that the program remains coherent and is not compromised by the reductions in budget. ' Each center to summarize the major changes made for PPMC’s review 3. 2015 Mid-year Progress Assessment Presently underway, the assessment is useful for checking on what is on track for completion by the end of the year, what needs to be given priority and also for collecting the data for the performance indicators. CIAT has submitted their assessment based on their revised 2015 POWB. WorldFish is working on theirs and this should be submitted shortly. ICARDA and ILRI will be requested to submit as soon as the revised 2015 POWBs have been received. It was noted that no request for an assessment from other partners was made as, apart from SLU, they do not have agreements in place. '4. 'First report on 2015 Outcome indicators for the Extension Phase Pat collated the L&F list of the Flagship-level outcome indicators with targets for 2015 and 2016 that were requested by the Consortium. Flagship Leaders will be asked to submit provisional data and evidence of achievement in September. This will enable us to handle any shortcomings ahead of the Annual Report '5. 'Database entry for 2015 Annual Report Indicators This is underway with 3 out of 9 Value Chains having submitted data. Centers will be asked shortly to log on and enter data once all value chains have submitted. Planning '6. '2016 Plan of Work and Budget Internal center planning processes for their 2016 budgets should be underway, which should be providing the basis for the first draft of the more detailed Plan of Work & Budget for their Livestock and Fish CRP work in 2016. Late September was set as the submission date for the first draft of the 2016 POWBs. No activities have been agreed for SLU, GIZ and WUR but this will be communicated. Action: Pat to follow up on the 2016 POWB with late September as the submission date. '7. '2015-2016 L&F Management Budget The 2015 management budget has been revised downwards in response to the budget cuts, and the draft 2016 budget has been prepared. Members noted that overall the Management and governance budget is lower than it was compared to prior years. Tom informed members that the Strategic Investment Fund (SIF) fund was established to cater for priorities agreed upon by PPMC. In response to Mike’s observations, Tom explained that the M&E budget actually increased as it was agreed by PPMC to invest in developing the M&E framework to benefit both the new Livestock and Fish CRPs and included the next CRP-Commissioned External Evaluation (CCEE). Likewise, funding for the non-CG partnerships has also increased and is intended to cater for transaction costs and for linking to research activities. Mike requested that some of this latter funding be directed to fish issues to benefit the new Fish CRP. Michael Peters requested that the program generate some M&E data before the end of the first phase and document its achievements. It was agreed to discuss this at the next PPMC meeting. Action: TR to prepare brief explanations of the changes in the Management budgets

'8. '2016 W1/2 Budget Allocations Based on the initial L&F Management budget, the remainder of the currently projected 2016 W1/2 budget from the Consortium Office ($12.9m – same as for 2015) is $10.3m, allocated as follows:

RECIPIENTS 2015 2016
CIAT 1,253,000 1,286,000
ICARDA 478,000 490,000
ILRI 7,031,449 7,245,767
WorldFish 1,205,000 1,237,000
Management 1,647,127 1,790,233
Strategic Investment 1,285,424 851,000
TOTAL 12,900,000 12,900,000

'9. 'Planning Meetings Most value chain teams have held their planning meetings. India’s (24/25th September) and Egypt’s (31st August) are scheduled, so only Burkina Faso is outstanding. Of the Flagships, only SASI has held its planning meeting. It successfully used a virtual platform similar to that used for the CRP Review and Planning Meeting held in March. Actions: Flagships leaders to ensure that there is gender representation in each of their meetings. Rhiannon Pyburn to get in touch with Flagship leaders. '10. 'Transition to Phase 2 CRPs The Fish and Livestock pre-proposals provide us a good sense of the directions being taken, making it possible to begin identifying how we might orient the remaining work during the Extension Period to best serve the new CRPs and work together in Phase 2. Tom informed members that Livestock planning taskforce already has already been set up to move the Livestock CRP forward. It was agreed to discuss the transition period and areas of collaboration between the two programs in Phase 2 in more detail in the next PPMC meeting.

Evaluations '11. 'Independent External Evaluation The IEE team provided preliminary feedback during its field visits and in a session with ILRI management on August 8th. The summary provided by the IEE team has been circulated. The IEE team enter their writing phase in October/early November. The positive recommendations on the governance and management of the CRP were noted. '12. 'Internal Audit Overall, the Internal Audit team was happy with ILRI’s financial and governance management. There were 9 ILRI recommendations and 24 Consortium recommendations.

'13. 'Next CRP-Commissioned External Evaluation It was agreed to discuss the 2nd CCEE at the next meeting of the PPMC.

'14. 'Science and Partnership Advisory Committee The individual flagship consultations with SPAC appear to have gone well, and the tone of the relationship has improved. We have tentatively agreed to schedule SPAC’s next meeting around the week of Dec 10th, with some members possibly making a visit to the Egypt value chain on their way to Nairobi. Grand Challenges The following were proposed as priorities for management’s focus during the remainder of Phase 1: * Operationalizing non-CGIAR partnerships * Improving the management and integration of CRP value chain work * Establishing an M&E and RBM system It was agreed to discuss these in more detail in the next PPMC meeting. Next meeting: 6th and 7th October, 2015. Virtual or Face to face in Nairobi if in conjunction with the Livestock Task Force Planning meeting. A decision will be taken next Friday on the modality.