SNV Collaboration

From livestock-fish ilriwikis

Collaboration with SNV

ILRI signed a Memorandum of Understanding with SNV on March 31st, 2014. Framed within the agenda of CRP Livestock and Fish (LF), the agreement seeks to build a research to development partnership that enables scientific research to better inform development processes that involve livestock, and to enable development issues and experience to better inform livestock research. This two way process requires an alliance that is framed around mutual exploration and shared interest.

Following this, a meeting between CRP Livestock and Fish Centres and SNV took place in Nairobi on May 27th, 2014, where 42 staff across ILRI, CIAT and SNV met to explore where collaboration could happen in DAIRY and EXTENSIVE LIVESTOCK. Agreement was made for working groups to define how to

  • Share available studies and data
  • Work together to prepare fundable proposals
  • Collaborate on existing initiatives including LiveGene, IBLI
  • Organise collaboration sets around signature issues
  • Conduct new research and documentation together
  • Work to make research evidence applicable in field contexts
  • Strengthen gender and youth equity practice and research
  • Continue discussions

The report describes full details of discussion and action.

See the flip charts here and Word Version of the report here

In a similar vein, on 5th June 2014, 19 staff met to explore collaboration in VALUE CHAIN DEVELOPMENT and GENDER in agriculture. Agreement was made for working groups to

  • Establish individual connections between CRP LF (ILRI, CIAT) and SNV delegates
  • Initiate ongoing dialogue between parties in order to deepen gender understanding and possibilities
  • Map out work that is going on and identify overlapping interests in value chain development
  • Identify specific areas on which to commence joint work
  • Work together to prepare fundable proposals

The report describes full details of discussion and action

See the flip charts here and Word Version of the report here


Efforts to build coherent communications between SNV and CRP LF are being explored by both sides; Over the summer, both SNV and CRP LF will take inventory of our websites and platforms, and prepare a start to a common communications strategy.