Sheep and goat value chains rapid assessment tools training

From livestock-fish ilriwikis

ICARDA-ILRI Training on Tools for Rapid Assessment of Sheep and Goat Value Chains in Ethiopia

Large Auditorium, ILRI Campus, Addis Ababa, 5-8 November 2012

The Training Objectives are to:

  • Understand the Value Chain component of the CGIAR Livestock and Fish Program
  • Understand the concept of Value Chain Assessment (VCA)
  • Understand the gender dimension of VCA
  • Produce and test Rapid VCA tools (checklists)

News item on Livestock and Fish website Photos from the training

File:List of Participants.docx

MONDAY, 5 November 2012
Time Program item Who
08:30 Registration Martha Sintayehu (ICARDA)
09:00 Welcome by ILRI
Welcome address
Opening remarks
Participant introductions
Alan Duncan (ILRI)
Getinet Assefa, EIAR
Barbara Rischkowsky (ICARDA)
Peter Ballantyne (ILRI)
Peter Ballantyne
09:30 Presentation] Barbara Rischkowsky
10:00 Presentation] Getachew Legesse (ICARDA consultant)
10:30 Break
11:00 Integrating Gender into Livestock Value Chains – an Interactive Exercise
Focal Questions:
1. What is "gender"?
* social division of work: men, women , children
* socially attached roles
* difference between gender and sex: sex is biological and cannot be changed, while gender roles can be changed
2. How do we see our work in gender?
* gender and sex is interchangeable
* rigid gender roles
* access to higher education is still limited for women
* division of labor: gender roles and responsibilities
Activity: Gallery Walk
4 groups formed, each with atleast one woman and one socio-economist
Kathleen Colverson (ILRI)
12:00 Example of a report VCA from a Sheep VC site
File:Sheep VCA in Horro District.pptx
Gemeda Dhuguma
12:30 Lunch
13:30 Practical exercise on mapping sheep/goat meat VC in the selected sites based on the experience
of participants (by sites)
Group work (30 min)
Report back (15 min)
Discussion (15 min)
14:30 Presentation] Getachew Legesse
15:00 Break
15:30 Presentation] Tamsin Dewe (ILRI consultant )
16:00 Producer Checklists by component
Breeding and Management
Marketing and Input services
File:Breeding checklist.pptxbrFile:Marketing checklist.pptxbrFile:Feeds Feeding checklist.pptx
Alan Duncan/Jane Wamatu
Aynalem Haile/Tadelle Dessie
Getachew Legesse
17:00 Close
TUESDAY, 6 November 2012
Time Program item Who
08:30 Plenary to recap tasks of the group work and group formation Peter Ballantyne
09:00 Group work on the checklists for
Safe Food Package
Traders, Service providers
Resource persons and teams
10:30 Break
11:00 Continuation of group work Resource Persons and Teams
12:30 Lunch
13:30 Feedback from groups to plenary Peter Ballantyne
14:30 Discussion of field day on Wednesday/Group Formation Getachew Legesse/Tadelle Dessie
15:00 Break
15:30 Group Work to finalize checklists based on feedback from plenary Resource Persons and Teams
16:30 Close

WEDNESDAY, 7 November 2012 Field Day in Sendafa to test the approach and the checklists (4 groups)

THURSDAY, 8 November 2012
Time Program item Who
09:00 Plenary: Feedback from the field testing by group
File:Feedback on the Safe Food Checklist.pptxbrFile:Feedback on Traders checklist.pptxbrFile:Main issues of suppliers and traders.docx
Resource Persons and Teams
10:30 Break
11:00 Group work on the checklists for
Safe Food Package
Traders, Processors and Service providers
Resource Persons and Teams
12:30 Lunch
13:30 Introduction to data entry and report writing
File:Report Writing_Outline.pptx
Getachew Legesse / Resource Persons
14:00 Group work on reports Resource Persons and Teams
15:00 Break
15:30 Introduction to next steps
Group work by sites to plan field implementation (time schedule and responsibilities)
File:Teams responsibilities and work plan.pptx
Facilitator: Aynalem Haile
16:10 Plenary: Report back from groups
File:Workplan for Menz and Horro.docbrFile:Workplan_ Atsbi.pptx
Facilitator: Aynalem Haile
16:30 Closing remarks Barbara Rischkowsky

FRIDAY, 9 November 2012 for resource persons only

  • Review training program, presentations, checklists, training schedule for the training in Awassa (20-23 November)
  • Discuss field implementation