Targeting planning dec2012

From livestock-fish ilriwikis

Creating a Strategy and log frame for Targeting and Environment for CRP 3.7 A two-day facilitated discussion 4th/5th December 2012 Info Centre, off main courtyard, ILRI Background The Spatial systems, household analysis, targeting environment component for the CGIAR Research Program (CRP) 3.7 on “More Meat, Milk and Fish for the Poor, by the Poor” has begun work in the four focus value chains in nine countries. There is a need to bring key stakeholders together and complete the draft log frame and to develop an action plan for this component, including how it will integrate with the overall CRP 3.7 and other research programs. The objective of this component is to generate the spatial, systems and farm household level related data, knowledge and tools required to guide the effective targeting, implementation and scaling out of the program and support the value chain team in the use of those tools. In addition to the original proposal it is also mandated to ensure that all work on the CRP 3.7 value chains is done in an environmentally sustainable manner.

This participative meeting in Nairobi is designed to look at all these existing activities so far and jointly develop a log frame and action plan.

The desired outcomes of the workshop will be:

  • A shared vision of what is involved in the targeting and environment
  • An agreement on which environmental dimensions we are looking at
  • An understanding of how this component links with other components
  • A revised log frame that supports a coherent research agenda
  • A draft work plan for 2013
  • Resource mobilisation with shared ideas and plan.
  • An action plan with personal responsibilities, timing, resource needs and allocation.
Day One Tuesday December 4th
Session Time Activity Purpose Person responsible
1 0830 Introductions and welcome
Workshop process and agreements
Fun introduction to each other SCD
2 0900 Overview of the current focus of CRP 3.7
Objective, approaches and other components
Give overview of CRP3.7 Stuart Worsley
3 0930 The targeting component and how it links to other CRP’s
File:planning_121204.pptxbrFile:Spatial targeting animal production value chains.pptxbrFile:CLEANED LVCs 2012 Dec 4.pptx
What has been done already
Short presentation and discussions An Notenbaert
Jeanette van de Steeg
Jens Peter Tang
Matt Lannerstad
10.30 Break
4 11.00 Agreeing what targeting means, the environmental factors and the areas for work
Agreeing the scope of the component
Discussion and wall mapping An/SCD Participants
5 12.00 Agreeing how to frame the outcomes, outputs, deliverables
Mapping the tools and approaches needed.
An/SCD Participants
13.00 Lunch
6 14.00 Exercise: Les Cadeaux Mapping the capabilities, skills and gaps within the team Participants and SCD
7 14.45 First mapping of the internal and external partners
Points of partnerships and integration
Participants and SCD
15.30 Tea
8 15.45 Two working groups. Envisioning ‘what if ‘ in how this could be done smartly, creatively and innovatively Filling in the detail of different sections Participants and SCD
9 16.30 Working group feedback Participants and SCD
17.00 Close
Day Two Wednesday December 5th
Session Time Activity Purpose Person responsible
12 *10.30 Developing the log frame for 2013 and overall plan 2014.
Assigning responsibilities, partnerships and resource needs in the log frame (work plan)
Discuss how to ensure successful internal and external partnerships
Participants and SCD
12.45 Lunch
13 13.45 Finalising all of above and agreeing a proposal writing, resource mobilisation strategy, a communication strategy and the use of Wiki, yammer and other media Participants and SCD
Evelyn Mwangi
15.30 Break
14 15.45 Action plan on the way forward Participants and SCD
15 16.30 Review of two days Participants and SCD
17.00 Close

Session Note

Feedback on Logframe Outcome1: Program staff partners and decision makers select the most promising value chains and sites to focus their efforts and investments for significant impact and wider scaling out Outcome2: Spatial systems and household level data, tools and knowledge used to guide the effective targeting implementation and scaling-out of pro-poor and sustainable animal source food value chains development action by decision makers (CRP staff, policy makers, VC actors, NGOs, donors)

Issues around the proper name for the component were raisd, agreed to leave the name as 'Targeting and Environment' and to embed the environment aspect in the out puts

Key Questions / thoughts How does this component fit with the other components Is the environment aspect being captured enough in this component Indicators - where should they be generated from Rename to: Targeting Sustainable Interventions