Vcd planning dec2012

From livestock-fish ilriwikis

Value Chain Component Planning Meeting

Nairobi 6-7 December 2012


The planning meeting is a 2-day face-to-face event to build team spirit and develop a common strategy for Program planning and budgeting, implementation, reporting and resource mobilisation.

Participants will review progress on achieving our deliverables and therefore meeting our VCD component output targets for 2012; ‘finalise’ the component’s logframe; agree on deliverables for 2013; identify opportunities for proposal development, AOB.


Day 1 9.00am - Opening (introductions, Introduction by Acho, agreeing the agenda) 9.30am - Situation reporting on work done in 2012. Presentations:

*Clarification on the Mali and Uganda value chains status to be provided by the management team

11.15am - A critical review of the component logical framework, agreeing the minimum set of VCD component outputs (currently six) that enable the attainment of the component’s objectives – 1hr 45mins. GROUPS 2.00 pm - determining the appropriate VCD component milestones relating to the emerging output areas and populating them with activities for 2013 – 1hr 30mins. 4.00pm - Day 1 closing

Day 2 8.30 am - Recap of Day 1 - 15mins 8.45am - CRP Update by Tom 9.00am - Funding and CG fund allocation to priority outputs, increased availability of CG funds, PPA issues – 30mins 10.00am - Main principles and properties of harmonised tools, methods and approaches (1 hr discussion) Update report on the on Value Chain Rapid Assessment Toolkit development process that was done in Nov 2012 Process description and toolkits:

11:30am - Priority setting regarding VCD component outputs/activities to pursue including time allocation in 2013 – 1hr 30 mins. 2.00p - Operationalizing all if this – team, communication, inter-centre output working groups; Work reporting, quality assurance regarding deliverables 1hr 30mins 3.45pm - Next steps and Closing


The group developed a new draft log frame for the component.


Tanzania example partially filled (uploaded 11Dec 2012)


For each of the three outputs, a working group was formed, constituting:

Output 1:

  • Epi
  • Froukje
  • Kate
  • Karen (breeding)
  • Isabelle
  • MichaelK
  • Emily
  • Sam

Output 2:

  • Iddo
  • Kristina
  • Okeyo
  • Michael K
  • Danilo

Output 3:

  • Stuart
  • Kate
  • Lucy
  • Rein
  • MalcolmD

Next Steps

Time allocations – to be submitted by value chain leaders by end of January 2013

Component Logframe – to be finalised by Acho by 31 Dec 2012

It was suggested we need to work on some common Terminology - check this page

Toolkit Planning

What Who When
Develop first draft of ‘other’ VC actors for rapid toolkit Sam with inputs from Kate, Epi, Froukje By Friday 21 Dec
Send out email to plan VC research questions, indicators and toolkit workshop participants, dates. Froukje Tuesday 11 Dec
Workshop Epi, Kate, Froukje, Sam, Isabelle, Emily, Michael, Derek + reps from gender, M&E, targeting, technical components?? First week of Feb?