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Livestock and Fish - Development Partnerships

Development Actor Partnerships

Business Partnerships


Opportunities and Resources

Partnership Strategy

CRP Livestock and Fish (L&F) seeks to transform the health and livelihood of one million households by 2023 by catalyzing the intensification and commercialization of smallholder supplied livestock and fish value chains. To achieve this, it will work with development and private sector partners to intervene on a large scale with transformative development interventions. The Development Partner (DP) strategy forms an important element in the AR4D change process, and has been synchronized with the ILRI Partnership Strategy and Management System. It works to align L&F, DP and value chain actor agendas and efforts, and to catalyze an escalation of action that starts from program sites and rises to cover whole countries and beyond. The strategy evolves DP relationships through shared experiences, seeks to build on successes and to learn from failures. Commencing with an assessment exercise with value chains, potential development partners are invited to collaborate in value chain analysis and intervention processes, and nurtured and supported to take up important roles that enable quick wins. This leads to the establishment of formal Tactical Development Partnerships to build national value chain programs, and then to Strategic Development Partnerships to build regional and global value chain programs.

This draft strategy has been formed based on experiences with development actors in nine value chain countries, and the formation of one strategic DP relationship with SNV Netherlands Development Organization, and express interest by CARE and GiZ to follow suit. It remains a draft that is under review. The most recent articulation can be found here in full or as a brief abstract

Earlier articulations of the strategy outline emerging thinking, and offer fuller background to the current version. These define broader processes on stakeholder engagement that go beyond the remit of forming development partnership, yet remain important in framing the way in which such development partnerships develop from value chain issues. These documents include the 2013 DP strategy methods strategy presentation and methods presentation.


1) In communicating with potential Development Partners, a thought piece describes how such partnership with CRP Livestock and Fish would work

It makes a case for development partnership between CGIAR research centres and development actors through the Livestock and Fish CRP (L&F). It clarifies the nature of CGIAR reforms, the way in which ILRI, ICARDA, WorldFish and CIAT work together within L&F, the way that L&F seeks to achieve sustainable change at scale, and to define the benefits of collaboration to development partners. It seeks to answer key questions and offer a common understanding around expectations. 2) L&F uses ILRI standard MoU formats and Collaborative Research and Development Agreement formats for making alliances with partners.

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